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FREE Senior Team Documents 1.0

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Written by Emissions#2565


Senior Team Official Document:

Freelancer Guidelines

Last Updated: 10.11.19

© Copyright 2019, Senior Team. All rights reserved

Freelancer Agreement

As a freelancer at Senior Team, you agree to the following;

  • I will not share or distribute client’s data, ideas or information.

  • I will abide by all rules and agree to the set agreements.

  • I will produce products of a satisfactory, professional quality and will work hard on all of my items.

  • I agree to provide support to clients for 30 days after the product is completed.

  • I will discuss anything and everything with the client in question in the ticket provided and will not take anything to DM.

  • I agree to not disband nor leave the Discord while I have claimed orders or other tickets.

  • I agree to provide notice to management when leaving the freelancer team or Discord.

  • I will listen and follow instructions from higher management unless the order stated is unprofessional and or doesn’t make sense – if so, contact Management.

  • I agree that when joining Senior Team, I will provide my portfolio to the bot (using -setportfolio)

  • I agree to not abuse the commission system to the bot.

  • I will act professional and not argue around clients • I agree to not break the rules as a freelancer.

  • I agree to allow the clients to negotiate my given price for a product, but not always change it.

  • I agree to not complain about pings in the discord whatsoever unless the feature is being abused.

  • I agree and know that I can be removed from a commission if the management feel like I can not handle or treat it well.

  • I agree that all payments go through Senior Team management it will be sent to the finance email (using -pay) of Senior Team and I will never accept payments directly to myself from client’s.

  • I agree to not scam the company nor clients of Senior Team.

  • I agree that I will notify management of my absence.

  • I agree and understand that I am not allowed to create my own competitive team/company while being a freelancer at Senior Team.

  • You are required to complete the commission 1 day before the deadline that was agreed with the client. If a deadline is on the 10th, you must be done on the 9th.

Disclaimer: We reserve the right as a company to issue a scam report on your MC-Market account if you break the agreement. You also agree that if you break the agreement, we can do this. We will usually only do this in serious cases.

Freelancer Documentation

As a freelancer you will read and abide by the following documentation;

  • Payments are made to [email protected] (-pay [amount]).

  • When a payment is made at all, you are to ping the owner so he can implement the information into our archives, and confirm the payment is made into our paypal. When a commission is completed, ping the owner, so they can setup the final payment, or confirm with the client that the provided product is as they wish.

  • If you are unable to complete a commission, please notify a member of the support team privately so we can professionally remove you from the client’s ticket.

  • Do not claim commissions you cannot complete or do not have the available time to do it.

  • All payments are handled by MelleJunior, no other person handles outgoing payments.

  • Freelancer rates are fixed at 85 % and will not change under any circumstances whatsoever. The rest is sent to the Senior Team management.

  • Only send the final product once 100% has been paid.

Disclaimer: If you have any concerns or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our management team.

Warning System

You can now receive warning for breaking the staff rules/guidelines or breaching the Terms Of Service/Privacy policy. You can receive a maximum of 3 warnings. In the event of receiving 3 warnings, you will be removed from the team, and you will not be able to reapply. Warnings are revoked after 6 months, if you received your second warning within that period of time, the clock resets and they will both be revoked after 12 months.

1 Warning
You can receive 1 warning for minor offenses, this includes;

- Not completing the product within deadline.

- Breaking the staff rules/guidelines.

- Being rude/disrespectful to a client.

- Not providing a client with frequent updates, this is only when a client asks for an update 2 times, and only if the deadline is more than 1 week.

- Inactivity.

2 Warnings
You can receive 2 warnings for larger offenses, this includes;

- Breaking our Terms-Of-Service.

- Breaking our Privacy Policy (leaking clients information).

- Privately messaging a client; you must not privately contact clients, you may have a private call with the client however. You are allowed to respond to a client if a client messages you private, you must request that they discuss it further in the Senior Team discord.

3 Warnings
You can recieve 3 warning for major offenses, this includes;

- Scamming a client.

- Accepting bribes.

- Scamming a client outside the Senior Team discord, if a scam report is opened we will open our own investigation.

Not in the system
You can still receive a warning for something that is not stated in this document, if it is done the offence will be added to the document.

Refunds Policy

We will offer refunds to the clients if the following is not met;

Not completing the work on time;
If a product is not completed on deadline, we may give a refund following our terms of service depending on the deadline, the amount of changes requested by the client, and the size of the product, we always carefully evaluate the situation, and we will cut an agreement that works for the freelancer and the client, you will still have to complete the product.

Unhappy client;
If a client is not happy with the product, we may give a refund of a maximum of 15% you must change the request. This is only when the request is reasonable, and if you provided enough updates to the client, and the client was happy with the updates that were provided to him/her.

Under standard product;
If a project does not meet the standards of Senior Team, we may give a refund of a max. 35%, this will only be done when 2 of the 3 following parties agree to this, these parties are Department Leader for this department in question, the Owner and Business Director of Senior Team, if one of these parties is doing the commission themselves, the decision will be made by the other 2 parties, but must both agree to this.

Not in this summary;
If something is not in this summary or in the full refund policy we may still give a refund, this must be agreed on by the Owner and Business Director of Senior Team.

Disclaimer: This is just a summary of the Refund Policy, you can find the full one in our Terms Of Service.

Extra Charges Policy [Summary]

As a freelancer, you are entitled to charge extra if any of the following criteria is met.

Client changing his mind;
If a client has changed their mind, or wants something added to the product your are allowed to charge extra, ensure all the details are clear with the client and the freelancer so there are no surprises, you may only charge a maximum extra of 50% on top of the original agreed price, this must be agreed on with 1 of the following 3 parties, Department Leader, Owner or Business Director of Senior Team, if 1 of these parties is doing the commission it must be agreed on by 1 of the other 2 parties.

Change in product when at least 50% complete;
If a client wants a complete change to the product or wants something completely different, and the project is more than 50% complete, you may keep the 50% that has already been paid, and you may give a new quote the the new project. this must be agreed on with 1 of the following 3 parties, Department Leader, Owner or Business Director of Senior Team, if 1 of these parties is doing the commission it must be agreed on by 1 of the other 2 parties.

Addon to the project;
If a client wants something added to the product that was not discussed before the agreement was made you may charge an extra amount for this, this must be something that is not a bug fix or a small change, this must be agreed on, this must be agreed on with 1 of the following 3 parties, Department Leader, Owner or Business Director of Senior Team, if 1 of these parties is doing the commission it must be agreed on by 1 of the other 2 parties.

Not in this Summary;
If it is not in this summary or in the full extra charge policy, you may still be allowed to charge an extra amount, this must be agreed on by Department Leader, Owner or Business Director of Senior Team, if 1 of these parties is doing the commission it must be agreed on by 1 of the other 2 parties.

Disclaimer: This is just a summary of the Extra Charge Policy, you can find the full one in our Terms Of Service.

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