⭐RemoteCannons⭐ | 1.8 - 1.14 | ⚡️ CANNON/FACTION SERVERS! ⚡️ | ✨TITLES & ACTIONBAR | NO LAG ⛔ | API

SpigotVIP ⭐RemoteCannons⭐ | 1.8 - 1.14 | ⚡️ CANNON/FACTION SERVERS! ⚡️ | ✨TITLES & ACTIONBAR | NO LAG ⛔ | API 1.1.1

⭐RemoteCannons⭐ | 1.8 - 1.14 | ⚡️ CANNON/FACTION SERVERS! ⚡️ | ✨TITLES & ACTIONBAR | NO LAG ⛔ | API

Activate buttons on your faction cannons, or anywhere in the world, through a command! This eliminates you having to stand next to your faction cannon to fire it.

This can be used for purposes other than factions.

  • Control distance through permissions
  • Press buttons for specified ticks
  • Release pressed buttons
  • Per-world support
  • Economy support
  • Various supported versions
  • Customization of messages
  • ActionBar messages
  • Update checker
  • Selection of stone or wooden buttons
  • Various settings to tweak
  • Developer API

DEPENDENCIES ** = required
** System Dependency: Java 8 **
  • Vault - With economy provider

COMMANDS (and aliases)
/remotecannons (view all commands and usage)
/remotecannons press
/remotecannons hold <ticks> (max in config. ultimate max is 6 hours)
/remotecannons remove
/remotecannons view
/remotecannons release
/remotecannons reload

aliases: [rc, remotec, rcannons]

Press command: remotecannons.command.press
Hold command: remotecannons.command.hold
Remove command: remotecannons.command.remove
Reload command: remotecannons.command.reload
View command: remotecannons.command.view
Release command: remotecannons.command.release
Help command: remotecannons.command.help
Help command admin: remotecannons.command.help.admin
Button press distance: remotecannons.press.distance.<INTEGER>
Button hold distance: remotecannons.hold.distance.<INTEGER>
Update notification: remotecannons.updatecheck

* Set <INTEGER> to -2 to allow for infinite distance. Server operators have this by default.

Code (YAML):

prefix: '&4[RemoteCannons]'
hold-success: '%prefix% &7You have pressed your last button for &a%time% &aticks&7.'
press-success: '%prefix% &7You have pressed your last button.'
button-removed: '%prefix% &7Your last pressed button was removed.'
button-already-on: '%prefix% &7The button is already pressed.'
button-already-off: '%prefix% &7The button is already released.'
button-already-spamming: '%prefix% &7You are already spamming your button.'
no-button-recently-clicked: '%prefix% &7You have not recently clicked a button.'
button-no-longer-tracked: '%prefix% &7You have removed tracking of your last pressed button.'
economy-withdraw: '%prefix% &7You were deducted &c$%amount%&7.'
economy-insufficient-balance: '%prefix% &7You do not have enough money.'
no-permission: '%prefix% &7You do not have permission.'
config-reloaded: '%prefix% &7Config reloaded (&a%time%&7).'
invalid-command-arguments: '%prefix% &7Invalid command arguments.'
command-help: '&8&m------------------------------------\n%prefix%\n&f \n&a/rc press &8- &7Presses your last button\n&a/rc hold <ticks> &8- &7Presses your last button for certain ticks.\n&a/rc remove &8- &7Removes your tracked button.\n&a/rc view &8- &7Views your tracked button location.\n&a/rc release &8- &7Releases your tracked button.\n&8&m------------------------------------'
command-help-admin: '&8&m------------------------------------\n%prefix%\n&f \n&a/rc press &8- &7Presses your last button\n&a/rc hold <ticks> &8- &7Presses your last button for certain ticks.\n&a/rc remove &8- &7Removes your tracked button.\n&a/rc reload &8- &7Reloads the configuration\n&a/rc view &8- &7Views your tracked button location.\n&a/rc release &8- &7Releases your tracked button.\n&8&m------------------------------------'
duration-too-long: '%prefix% &7You can only hold it for &a%max%&7 ticks.'
distance-too-far: '%prefix% &7You are too far from your button, you need to be within &c%distance% blocks&7.'
spam-too-long: '%prefix% &7You can only spam &a%max%&7 times.'
not-same-world: '%prefix% &7You are not in the same world as your button.'
hold-ticks-action-bar: '%prefix% &7Ticks left: &c%ticks%'
spam-action-bar: '%prefix% &7Spams: &c%spams%&4/&c%max%'
button-view: '%prefix% &7Your button location is at: &8[&a%x%&7, &a%y%&7, &a%z%&8]&7 in &a%world%&7.'
button-released: '%prefix% &7Your button has been released.'
button-spam: '%prefix% &7You are spamming your button for &a%spams%&7 times.'
button-removed-death: '%prefix% &7Your last pressed button was &cuntracked&7 because you died.'
cross-world-press: false
stone-button-enabled: true
wooden-button-enabled: true
check-updates: true
press-distance: true
hold-distance: true
spam-distance: true
max-hold-ticks: 100
max-spam-amount: 10
minimum-press-distance: 100
minimum-hold-distance: 100
minimum-spam-distance: 100
hold-ticks-action-bar: true
spam-action-bar: true
economy-enabled: true
remove-tracking-on-death: true
press-money-amount: 100.0
hold-money-amount: 300.0
spam-money-amount: 400.0
ticks-between-spams: 10
- 'example'
* Leave messages blank or empty to show no message. Use multiple lines with \n
* Money amounts of 0 or less, will not be treated as having money deducted.








For usage on the API, grab the service through Bukkit's services manager.

Code (Java):
RemoteCannonsAPI remoteCannonsAPI = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(RemoteCannonsAPI.class).getProvider();

  • ButtonHoldEvent - When a player holds a button (commnd)
  • ButtonPressEvent - When a player presses a button (physically or command)
  • ButtonReleaseEvent -When a button is released through the plugin, not globally

Spamming feature for buttons

If you discover a bug I may have missed, you can feel free to discuss the problem in the discussion page.

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