Have you ever wanted to craft something on the go but could not place down your table?
Now you can open your portable crafting table and retrieve your items from your personal Chests in you base, without ever placing a block or teleporting.

Video Demonstration:

Items that can be Portable:
- Chest
- Ender Chest
- Crafting Table
- Furnace
- Brewing Stand
- Hopper
- Dispenser
- Enchantment Table

You can open Portable items 1 of 3 ways:
- Command
- PowerTool (Left click with item in hand)
- Inventory Shortcut (Right click item with inventory open)

How does it work?
Portable items will need to be linked to a placed block.
For example I have a Chest selected in my hand, I left click on a chest at my house, now my Chest item is linked to that chest block.
Now that it's linked, I can open that chest (single, double, or trapped) from anywhere in the Minecraft map.
I can also access from another world too.

In order to keep this survival friendly, you can enable an option to make portables items only obtainable through crafting.
The default recipe is an X of redstone blocks, a + of leather, and the item in the center.
Each crafting recipe can be completely changed, or even disabled.

What if I lock my chests?
No problem, you can currently use Portables with these 4 lock plugins:
Deadbolt, LWC, Lockette, and LockettePro

You can also change the name of portables items by using an Anvil or a plugin like NameItem. Changing the name will not break the plugin but changing the lore will.

You can disable the shortcut or power tool for each item as well as restrict to permissions.
You can also optionally disable the permission check for commands.
You can also make portable items only obtainable through crafting.
Crafting recipes are also fully customizable.

Code (YAML):

aliases: [ec,es,echest,endersee]
description: Open your Ender Chest.
usage: /<command> [other player]
permission: portables.ENDER_CHEST.command
aliases: [p,port,open,portopen]
description: Open the selected Portable item.
usage: /<command> [reload]
permission: portables.portable.command
aliases: [lp,pl,link]
description: Link a Portable item with the target block.
usage: /<command>
permission: portables.link.command
aliases: [wb,pwb,pct,ctable,craftingtable]
description: Open a crafting interface.
usage: /<command>
permission: portables.WORKBENCH.command


Default Config

Check out Portables Lite for a small preview of what this plugin can do.

License: All Rights Reserved
You are permitted to use this on any server that you own.
You are permitted to modify this program to suit your needs.
You are NOT permitted to share or -Redacted- any modified or unmodified versions of the source or binary code.
Do not post errors or suggestions in the Reviews section. Post in the discussion thread please.
Refunds are NOT permitted.

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  1. 1.4 FIXED

    Sorry guys it was a problem with my crack all been fixed now!

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No problem! Do you think you can remove your old review?Thanks for the review!
Fixed! Enjoy!
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