⚡PandaHub⚡  📣[1.7.x - 1.18.x]  5.0.3-SNAPSHOT

FREE ⚡PandaHub⚡ 📣[1.7.x - 1.18.x] 5.0.3-SNAPSHOT 5.0.3-SNAPSHOT

⚡PandaHub⚡  📣[1.7.x - 1.18.x]  5.0.3-SNAPSHOT
If you have a plugin to null contact me on discord TheCounter#2901
❓ What is PandaHub? ↴

PandaHub is a cheap Hub Core, perfect for your server, as well as very easy to use with many features!

📖 Features ↴


➺ Server Selector (Custom Heads)
➺ Sub Server Selector (Custom Heads)
➺ Lobby Selector (Custom Heads)
➺ Border Limiter
➺ Command Blocker
➺ Command Disabled
➺ Animated Scoreboard (1.7 - 1.18)
➺ Animated Tab (1.7 - 1.8)
➺ Announcement System
➺ Queue System (Custom, EzQueue, Portal)
➺ Chat System
➺ Timer System
➺ Join Message System
➺ All Message Configurable

Hotbar Items System (Custom Heads)
➺ EnderButt
➺ Show - Hide Player
➺ Information Book
➺ Firework
➺ PvP Mode
➺ Custom (Unlimited Items)

Cosmetics System
➺ Custom Outfit (Unlimited Outfits)
➺ Trails (14)
➺ Gadget (5)
➺ Message Color (16)
➺ Chat Color (16)

Data Storage System
➺ FlatFile
➺ MongoDB

🔗 Compatibility ↴


➺ All Spigots 1.7.x - 1.18.x
➺ PlaceholderAPI

Rank System
➺ PermissionEx
➺ LuckPerms
➺ AquaCore
➺ HestiaCore
➺ mCore
➺ Mizu

If you have a custom permission system you can add it here!

🔧 Dependency ↴

➺ Java 8 - 17
➺ Rank System
➺ PlaceholderAPI

💰 Price ↴

➺ JAR: $5.50
➺ SRC Without Updates: $40
➺ SRC With Updates: $60

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