✨ GambleBarPro | The Perfect Gambling Solution✨v1.8.9
Native Minecraft Version: 1.17
Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18
Languages Supported: Language is configurable in messages.yml | Default is English


GambleBarPro is a plugin that allows for players to participate in games of chance for an opportunity to win rewards! GambleBarPro allows players to buy gambling drinks from a bar via command, /bar. When a player right-clicks their drink, they will either win or lose, depending on the odds of the drink. If they win, they receive a configurable amount of money, and a list of configurable commands can run from the console. If they lose, they get a nausea effect for a configurable amount of time.




  • Create an unlimited amount of bars, with up to 54 drinks in each.
  • All names, item lores, prices, rewards, and odds are configurable.
  • Ability to spawn villager entities that will open any specified bar. Villagers will not take damage or move. To remove, right-click while holding a golden carrot.
  • Ability to give players any drink from any bar via command.
  • "Reward Commands" that run when a player wins a drink. (Configurable for each individual drink).
  • 100% customizable messages.yml file.
  • Separate help menus for players and administrators.
  • Maximum value for drink prices and rewards is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
  • Support for Minecraft server versions 1.8.3 & 1.8.8
  • Ability to make each drink whatever color you want. (Scroll down for available colors).
  • When a player drinks a GambleBar drink, the full drinking animation will now show before the win/lose event triggers.
  • Ability to reload the config files with /bar reload.
  • Ability to open a bar for another player via the console. Useful to run from Citizens NPCs, while not allow players to use /bar from any location.
  • NEW: Ability to put "placeholder" items in the bar inventories.
  • NEW: Get in-game notifications when there is a new update out.

Commands start with /gamblebar, but /bar and /gamble may be used instead.

  • /gamblebar help - Opens the help menu.
  • /gamblebar - Open the "default" bar.
  • /gamblebar <bar ID> - Open any bar, specified by the bar ID.
  • /gamblebar give <player name> <bar ID> <drink slot> - Give a player a GambleBar drink by specifying the bar ID and drink slot.
  • /gamblebar spawn <villager name> <bar ID> - Spawn a villager entity that will open any bar when clicked, specified by the bar ID.
  • /gamblebar reload - Reload the config.yml, messages.yml, and (if using a 1.8 version) villagers.yml.
  • /gamblebar open <player name> <bar ID> - Open a bar for another player. Doesn't require the player to have permission for that bar.


  • gamblebar.help - Access to the user help menu via /gamblebar help.
  • gamblebar.open.<bar ID> - Access to open any specified bar. (Use gamblebar.open.* to access a player for all bars).
  • gamblebar.admin.help - Access to the admin help menu via /gamblebar help
  • gamblebar.admin.give - Access to give a player a drink via /gamblebar give <player name> <bar ID> <drink slot>
  • gamblebar.admin.remove - Ability to remove any GambleBar villager by right-clicking it while holding a golden carrot.
  • gamblebar.admin.spawn - Ability to spawn a villager entity that opens bars via /gamblebar spawn <villager name> <bar ID>
  • gamblebar.admin.reload - Ability to reload the config files with /bar reload
  • gamblebar.admin.open - Ability to use /bar open <player name> <bar ID>
  • gamblebar.admin.updates - Receive in-game notifications when there is a new update available.

GambleBarPro requires that you have the Vault plugin installed on your server. Download Vault here. You must also be using an economy plugin that is compatible with Vault.(EssentialsX, for example. Full list of compatible economy plugins found here.)

In order for this plugin to work correctly, you must be using Java Version 8+ and using one of the following minecraft server versions
  • 1.8.3
  • 1.8.8
  • 1.8.9
  • 1.11.x
  • 1.12.x
  • 1.13.x
  • 1.14.x
  • 1.15.x
  • 1.16.x
  • 1.17.x
  • 1.18.x

For MC 1.8.3 - 1.8.9: It is worth noting that there is a small difference in this plugin for MC 1.8.x. When a Gambler villager is spawned, there will be an invisible armor stand spawned underneath them. This is simply to keep the villager in place. For this reason, you may run into issues if you spawn a gambler villager with only 1 block of depth underneath it. You may need to have 2 blocks placed directly underneath the villager, so that they will stay still.

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