[1.8 - 1.19.2] DeluxeSellwands - Need a sellwands plugin? Look no further! (Enchantments)

 [1.8 - 1.19.2] DeluxeSellwands - Need a sellwands plugin? Look no further! (Enchantments) b31

[1.8 - 1.19.2] DeluxeSellwands - Need a sellwands plugin? Look no further! (Enchantments)
◦•●❤♡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ Dekomori on discord ꜰᴏʀ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ ♡❤●•◦

Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18 / 1.19


DeluxeSellwands is the most feature-packed and widely used sellwands plugin available.​


Features List:
Please consult the wiki for commands, permissions, placeholders, etc.
Other: If you are going to post a review, please don't post stack-traces (errors) or request features. You can do both of those things on my discord server.

View the default config file here!
View the default messages file here!
View the default items file here!
• Fully customizable sellwands
- Create different types of sellwands/sellwand chargers
- Define sell multiplier and uses (infinite included) when giving wands
- Custom names, lores, flags, glow, custom item textures (1.14+), custom skull textures
- Placeholders to track items sold & money made
- Cooldowns for usage, inspections & bypass permissions
• Usable on multiple containers
- Use sellwands on chests, double chests, hoppers, shulker boxes, barrels
- Use sellwands on WildChests' containers
- Use sellwands on AdvancedChests' containers
• An ever-growing list of price handlers
- Grab item prices from DeluxeSellwands, ShopGUI+, EssentialsX, CMI, OneStopShop, GUIShop, ZShop, EconomyShopGUI, DeluxeBazaar, Shops, AutoSell
- Define custom items and their prices (e.g diamonds called "Shiny Diamonds" sell for more compared to normal diamonds)
- Define permission-based taxes (e.g "dsw.tax.10" takes 10% tax on sales)
• Quality of Life Features
- Easily give sellwands to everyone online (using @a in the command)
- Drop confirmation feature (hard for players to lose their wands)
- Fully customizable messages, actionbars, and sounds for every scenario (RGB for 1.16+)
- Select how to display numbers (e.g 10000 can be shown as 10,000 or 10k)
• Exclusive - Sale & Inspection Holograms
- Display holograms above chests after each sellwand scenario (sale, inspection, no valuables found & more)
- Define custom commands allowing players to toggle holograms
- Left-click on containers to inspect them (view their worth, item amount)
- Works with HolographicDisplays, DecentHolograms or CMI
• Exclusive - Factions Chest Steal
- Use sellwands to steal (sell) items from enemy containers, define custom penalties
• Exclusive - Item Binding
- Bind the sellwand to a player and prevent others from using it (or tax them extra if used!)
• Exclusive - Container Sell Confirmation
- Togglable (by player) confirmation before selling containers
• Exclusive - Fully customizable User Menu & Toggles
- Create a custom menu for your players to view what commands they can execute to tune their sellwands experience
- Every command the users can execute is customizable
- Players can toggle drop/sell confirmation and holograms
• Exclusive - Sellwand Chargers
- Special items that add uses to depleted sellwands
- Select whether or not sellwands break on usage depletion or require to be re-charged
• Exclusive - Sell Commands
- Define custom commands for sell hand, sell hand all, sell all
• Support for 3rd party plugins

DeluxeSellwands seamlessly works with plugins to provide deep integration with your server, including LockettePro, ModernLWC, Towny, Factions (and UUID-based forks). IridiumSkyblock, Lands, PlotsSquared, FabledSkyblock, SuperiorSkyblock2, ASkyblock, BSkyblock, SuperBoosters, EliteMasks, WildChests, AdvancedChests, CoreProtect
• General Quality
- Auto-updating configurations on plugin updates
- Highly adaptive, works on versions from 1.8 - Latest
- You get what you pay for, a premium quality plugin with premium support

• Developer API [REVAMP SOON] JitPack - JavaDocs

* (Features marked as exclusive may not be accurate forever, however, those features were first-seen on DeluxeSellwands!)






If images are broken: View: https://i.imgur.com/rNxdDI5.gif
, View: https://i.imgur.com/KrdyruP.gif
, View: https://i.imgur.com/M9tThCN.gif

Commands & Permissions:
Code (Text):
The permission dsw.commands is required to access commands.

/dsw give [player] [amount] [multiplier] [uses] <-s> - dsw.give
(e.g "/dsw give N0RSKA 1 2.5 10" will give the user N0RSKA one sellwand with a multiplier of x2.5 and 10 uses.)

/dsw version - dsw.version
/dsw reload - dsw.reload

Use the sellwands - dsw.use

Taxes - dsw.tax.<integer value>, for example dsw.tax.10 will tax the player 10% for each sale made with the sellwand

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What other plugins does DeluxeSellwands hook into? (Note that DeluxeSellwands is compatible with most other plugins even if they're not mentioned here, like PlotSquared, FabledSkyblock, SuperiorSkyblock2, etc. If you want support added for another plugin please contact me)

  1. ShopGUI+ for item price fetching.
  2. Essentials (worth.yml) for item price fetching.
  3. LockettePro for container security.
  4. AdvancedTowny for region limitations
  5. FactionsUUID (and FUUID-based forks such as SavageFactions, etc. Any FUUID fork with the same API should work with DeluxeSellwands) for chest-steal in enemy territory & penalty feature.
  6. IridiumSkyblock for region limitations (any other Skyblock plugin should work as well, if it doesn't contact me and I'll add support for it.)
  7. EliteMasks for sellboost support.
If you have any other suggestions for hooks, please start a conversation with me!

Q: How do I use the taxing system?
A: You first have to configure whether you want to grab the highest tax available for the player or the lowest tax. The highest works best for when your higher groups (that may inherit permissions lower ones) have a higher tax rate percentage. The lowest works best for when higher groups (that may inherit permissions from lower ones) have a smaller tax rate percentage. For the highest, you set MAX inside the configuration (tax.decideFor section), for the lowest you set MIN inside the configuration. After that, you just have to add permissions to players/groups like this "dsw.tax.<integer value", for example "dsw.tax.10".

Q: I have the factions hook enabled but players do not have access to containers & can't use their wands, what do I do?
A: While this might seem like an issue, it is intentional, if you want players to be able to use their sellwands in enemy territory containers you must configure your factions plugin so that they can open containers. Then, the sell-wand is an easy and quick way to steal the enemy's chest content.

Q: I don't want to use the stats tracker, how do I disable it?
A: Simply toggle the option in the configuration and remove any stats placeholders from the item's lore.

Q: How do I give a wand silently?
A: Just add the silent argument at the end of your command. For example, the following command would silently give the user N0RSKA a sell-wand with a multiplier of 2.5 and 50 uses: "/dsw give N0RSKA 1 2.5 50 -s"

Q: How do I give a wand with infinite uses?
A: Simply use "infinite" instead of a number when executing the command. For example, the following command would give N0RSKA a sell-wand with a multiplier of 2.5 and infinite uses: "/dsw give N0RSKA 1 2.5 infinite".

Q: My sounds do not work, why?
A: Sound names are not "Minecraft Sound Names", you must search specifically for "Bukkit <version> sound names". Please do not create tickets on the support discord for sound-related issues.

Latest updates

  1. N/A

  2. Build 31a

    Build 31a
  3. Build 31

    Build 31

Latest reviews

Build 30a please
update pls
OMGG Daddy LegitSpigot is back :333

Hi Daddy :3
Hi, u can update to Build13 please?
10/10 The plugin works as expected. Will definitely buy the plugin once I'm not broke anymore :)

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