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  1. J

    AWAITING UPDATE Mob Farm Manager

    Name of the plugin you want updated:Mob Farm Manager Spigot Link: BlackspigotMC Link: Why should...
  2. J

    (DONE) EnchantmentsEnhancePro

    Name of the plugin you want: EnchantmentsEnhancePro - Gear Progression Mechanics with Customized Enchantments 7.9.10 Spigot Link: Price: 13.98 USD How it would contribute towards the betterment of the community...
  3. J

    AWAITING UPDATE ⭐️ Investment ⭐️ Earn money while staying AFK in an area ⭐️

    您要更新的插件名稱:⭐️投資⭐️在AFK停留在某個地區時賺錢⭐️ 刺鏈接:https : // -afk in an Area-%E2%AD%90%EF%B8%8F.67398 / BlackspigotMC鏈接:https...
  4. J

    (REQUEST) SafariNet-Premium Mob Catcher

  5. J


    It is not working in my server
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    M @ mrsawz38: hey i'm already VIP but it's says i need to buy vip to download