Prison Professional - 50% Off [LATEST VERSION]

 Prison Professional - 50% Off [LATEST VERSION] 2.5.4

Prison Professional - 50% Off [LATEST VERSION]
>> Read ENTIRE Page <<
>> Compatible with 1.7 through 1.10 <<
>> Translated: English, French, Chinese, and German <<
Prison Professional
Current Version: 2.5.4
Spigot Version: 1.7-1.10
Price: $19.98 | $9.99
You save 50% - $9.99 - Limited Time


This is a plugin designed for your prison server to enhance it. This plugin includes various things making it essentials for prison. About 90% of these things are customizable in the various configuration files. Some major aspects are Prestiging, Ranking, Missions, Achievements, Mining Crates, Auto-Inventory, Fortune-Blocks, Custom-Enchantments, and more.

Why should I buy this plugin?
This plugin offers so many features that are almost all customizable. Most prison plugins offer only one of these features for around the same price and in some cases double. This plugin is very stunning for its price. Offering tons of features, listed below, with many more in-progress features, also listed below. This plugin will constantly be updated with new features as people suggest them. This plugin also has a variety of unique features that no one has ever made before.

To see a trailer to this plugin you can watch the following video

For setting up this plugin please watch my video showing you how to do it correctly

Before attempting to configure any configuration file, please watch my video on how to do it correctly






NOTE: This plugin does currently not have prison mines
In-Progress Aspects
Placeholders (for FeatherBoard)
Signs Format (for enchantments and sellall)
Enchantment Explanations

Configuration Files
If you find any problems or bugs with this plugin feel free to comment down below about them or email me at [email protected]. These bugs or problems will be fixed as soon as possible. If you have any suggestions of anything to add, also feel free to contact me about it.

By buying or having this plugin you agree to the following rules and terms of use
Last updated: 8/21/16
  • Put the plugin jar file into your Spigot 1.7+ server.
  • Put Vault into your Spigot 1.7+ server.
  • Put a compatible Economy Plugin into your Spigot 1.7+ server
  • Start your server.
  • Go into plugins/PrisonProfessional/ and learn the configuration files.
  • Watch my videos about this plugin that you can find below or above
  • Edit the configuration files to your liking
  • Restart your server whenever you finish editing a configuration file
  • Make sure to leave a rating and message me if you find any bugs or problems
  • For more detailed instruction please watch my setup video located above

Prison Professional will not enable
Make sure your server version you are running is Spigot 1.7+.
Make sure you have Vault 1.7+ installed onto your server.
Make sure you have an economy plugin installed on your server that successfully hooks to Vault.
Make sure there are no errors in the configuration files.
Check the updates to see if the config files updated, if so update them.
Most commonly it is because of outdated configuration files. I will usually say a change about a configuration file in the update changelog, if not just look at the configuration file links on this page.

When disabling the ranking system, other ranking systems can't take over
This was fixed in update 2.4.4 changing the entire command to /prankup and /prank and /pranks.
Is there an API
This is currently being made.
Will there be multiple language support
There is language support currently for the languages of English, French, Chinese, and German. If you would like more languages, you can just contact me via email.
A command or aspect will not work
This is usually caused by the aspect being disabled in the enables.yml or a different plugin is overriding the command. If it is not either of these, please report the error to me.
When will more major aspects be added
These will slowly start being added.
How do I tell you of a problem/bug/error in the plugin
If you have any questions/problems/bugs/errors please email them to me and I will help you fix them. My email is located at the bottom of this page.
How does Sell-All work
Sell-All is a way to sell items for money. You can configure the blocks and the amount of money you can get from them in the sellall.yml. To sell to a certain shop you are going to need the permissions: pp.sellall and pp.sellall.[shop]
How do the Rank up and Prestige Systems work
These systems work without permissions. All you need to do is configure the prices and ranks, and even add or subtract more if you please. These can be configured in the rankup.yml.
There are conflicting commands in this plugin and another
If you find any conflicting commands you are free to contact me via email and I will most likely change the command putting a /p in front of it.

Bugged Versions

- Currently none

By buying this plugin you get
  • PrisonProfessional.jar plugin file
  • Free tutorials and setup videos
  • Free updated versions
  • Pre-made default configuration files
  • Help for the plugin (email me at the bottom)

Updating Versions
When updating versions, make sure you read the entire changelog to know what the changes are if there are any configuration file changes. If there are, I always update the pastebin links of the configuration files above and they will contain the changes. Most of the time I will specify what was added/changed and you can just look for that in the pastebins.
Tutorial videos and aspect covering videos are located above

Feel free to contact me for suggestions, bugs, and problems you may have.
You can always contact me at:
I will try to respond within a 24-hour time period

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