Allows all players on your server to write on paper. Now you don't have to create yourself an entire book just to write a single line!


Instead of dealing with crummy commands, Notes has you covered. You get to deal with crummy commands and a crummy chat interface! You can always type out commands yourself, but why would you? Pushing buttons is more fun!

Bonus Features!
  • You can sign papers. That way, you can prove that sucker owes you that diamond hoe back.

  • You can copy signed notes onto fresh pieces of paper. It's like printing your own... whatever you're printing. The stamp has to be signed, though, and signatures are removed. (But you can override that with "/note sign <# of copies you approve creating>")

What about other items? Just paper. This might make it altogether less useful, but it does help stop people from forging Epic Loot and duping everyone on the auction. Plus, I don't like bypassing vanilla features, and vanilla already lets you rename anything -- for a price.

Can't you forge signatures? Not with this plugin alone. Players might be fooled, but fake signatures are easy enough to spot:

I want X in this plugin! Expect nothing. I usually have other things to do. I might come around to it eventually, though.
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