King of The Realm - KOTR [1.8-1.11]

 King of The Realm - KOTR [1.8-1.11]

King of The Realm - KOTR [1.8-1.11]

2.0 has been rewritten from the ground up. I strongly recommend starting fresh with your .yml files!


An overview of what to expect...
Inspired by Reign of Kings, King of The Realm brings a whole new unique gameplay addition to your existing server.
Claim the throne; Become the King; Knight your allies; Collect tax; Battle in wars; Reign.


King of The Realm can be expanded with add-ons.
Add-ons are seperate plugins of which hook into KOTR through its API.
These can be used to furtherly enhance your experience with KOTR and furthermore add even more unique gameplay to your server.

Official Add-Ons:
Bounties, EXPansion

Unofficial Add-Ons:
None :(


A summary of the features found in King of The Realm.
Multiple realms
Ruler position
Ruler partner
Unique gameplay
Automated tax system
Highly customisable


Multiple realms can be used with the plugin.
Realms can be though of as Kingdoms. Each has its own ruler, partner, knights, heir, throne, tax, etc.
Realms can be defined through to main methods:
WorldEdit Regions

A player's current realm is found from their position; however, each realm has a forced permission node which will make their tax be paid to said realm, using the following,
An example of this would be:

Relevant Commands:
/realm, /realms

See configuration section for more information.


The ruler is the main leader of a realm.
The Ruler can set the tax level, which collects chopped and mined resources from all players, with the exemption of their Partner, Knights and Heir. See the tax section for more information.

The Ruler has the power to revoke a player's title within their Realm at any given time using the /unpartner, /deknight and/deheir commands. If a player wants to step down from the throne, they can dismiss themselves with /dethrone.
An example of this would be:
/deknight Notch

The throne is claimed by right clicking the block and standing still for a specified amount of time. If the player moves, their claim will be cancelled and the cooldown for the throne will be reinstated.

The ruler can fall if they die or log out, if configured so. They can, also, be over claimed if someone else claims the throne - keep it guarded!

A hated ruler may find themselves in danger with a war, which they mar surrender from, but will lose their rank indefinitely. See the war section for more information.

Relevant Commands:
/ruler, /dethrone


The ruler's sworn protectors.
Knights/Dames are exempt from all of the tax, as they are in partnership with the ruler.
They must be requested to join their ruler's alliance, with /knight player, and accepted with /knight accept.

From their sworn protection, they can be configured to spawn on the ruler upon death.
Similarly to the ruler, Knights/Dames can lose their rank upon death or logging out, if configured to do so.
Friendly-fire can also be toggled on an individual direction (King to Knight, vice versa).

Relevant Commands:
/knight, /knights


The automated taxation system within King of The Realm.
The tax is a percentage of income which is applied automatically to the item IDs chosen for each Realm in realms.yml. Tax can also be applied to other plugin's resources. See Ext. Plugins section for more information

The taxed items can go directly into the ruler's inventory and overflow into the tax chest if configured to do so. If the ruler is offline, the tax will be deposited to the chest by default.
The ruler, their partner, knights and heirare exempt from the tax as it is their realm.
Only the ruler and their partner have access to the tax chest, whilst they reign.

The payment of tax is automatic, as mentioned previously.
If the tax was at 20% and a player picks up 10 diamonds, 2 will be given to the ruler, and the ruler will receive a message stating what they've received (if enabled in messages.yml)

Relevant Commands:


Launching an attack on a realm.
Wars can be declared against the ruler of a realm by any player, excluding the ruler themselves or anyone associated with that realm.

The war is split into two teams, attackers and defenders.
Players and realms can join sides through allying. A player would do /ally attackers to send an ally request to the attackers team and so on for the defenders. Attackers/defenders can be replaced with realm names or player names from the team.
After a declaration, a grace period will commence for a specified amount of time in the config.yml. In this time, the two teams should prepare for war.
After the grace period, the war will begin and both teams will be teleported to their spawn locations.

The objective of the war is to kill the other team's leader (the ruler or the player that declared war).
Each kill to the opposing team will grant that team a point. If the leaders aren't killed by the end of the war, the team with the highest points wins.
During the battle, all items will be kept upon death, but not EXP levels.

Rewards can be set up as runnable commands (by console) in the config.yml for drawing, winning or losing. These use the {PLAYER} and {UUID} placeholders for the player's name and UUID in the team.

Relevant Commands
/war, /surrender


Realistically weighted armour.
If enabled in the config.yml, wearing a full set of 1 type of armour will cause you to suffer speed reductions. This helps to balance PvP, as people without armour will be faster at escaping than those of whom are in full diamond.
Default speed reductions:
Diamond - 10%
Iron - 9%
Gold - 8%
Chainmail - 6%
Leather - 5%

Your speed will return to normal after removing the armour.


Interactive menus to run commands.
Panels are interactive text-based screens to run/learn the King of The Realm commands. There are panels for generic purposes, help, ruler, realms, about and admin.
Generic - /kotr
Help - /kotr Help | /kotr ?
Ruler - /kotr Ruler
Realms - /realms
About - /kotr About
Admin - /kotr Admin

Commands can be prepared (entered to chat bar) or run depending on the command. Hover over each item to for any further information.

Panels can be replaced with basic lists in the panels.yml file...


Looking for someone to create an up-to-date tutorial!

KOTR 1.4.3 Tutorial (Outdated)

Initial Setup
Place KingOfTheRealm.jar into your plugins folder.
Start your server to generate the .yml files.

Make your changes to the config.yml, messages.yml, panels.yml and realms.yml:
Explained config.yml file here.
Explained messages.yml file here (see placeholders).
Explained panels.yml file here.
Reload the plugin with /kotr reload.
The example realms generated will be ignored by the plugin.
They are there for reference purposes.

Realm Setup
In your realms.yml file, you should notice two examples given, these being example_region_realm and example_world_realm.

Throne Setup
Build a throne and have 1 block as the Throne Block.
Look at said block and use /kotr set throne <realm>.
This will then be the block you will click to claim the throne for this realm.

Tax Setup
Create a chest (or double chest) where the taxed items should go into.
Look at the chest and use /kotr set chest <realm>.
All taxed blocks/items will now go into this chest for this realm.

War Setup
Go to the spawn-point of the attackers team and use /kotr set attack [id].
Similarly, use /kotr set defend [id] for the defenders team spawn-point.
[id] is required and can be anything. If it is "leader", this will be the spawn point for the leader of that team.


Player commands:

/kotr - Display the King of The Realm General panel.

/kotr help - Display the Help panel.

/realm - Show info about the current realm.
/realms - Show a list of realms.

/ruler|king|queen - Show who the current ruler is.
/knight - Knight/Dame a player.
/knights - Shows who the current ruler's Knights are.
/heir - Show/set an heir to the Throne.
/partner - Show/set a partner to the Ruler.
/dethrone - Leave the throne.
/deknight - Leave the Knight position.
/deheir - Leave the Heir position.
/unpartner - Leave the Knight position.

/tax - Show/set the tax level.

/war - Show the current state of the war.
/surrender - Surrender from the current war.

/gender - Set your gender.

Admin commands:
/kotr admin - Display the King of The Realm Admin panel
/kotr set ruler - Set the Ruler.
/kotr set throne - Set the throne location.
/kotr set chest - Set the chest for the Ruler.
/kotr set attack - Set the attack spawn for wars.
/kotr set defend - Set the defend spawn for wars
/kotr reload - Reloads the configuration files.
Code (YAML):
description: Gives access to the /ruler command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /knight command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /knights command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /tax command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /realms command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /realm command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /dethrone command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /deknight command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /gender command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /heir command
default: true
description: Allows access to the ruler's panel (/kotr ruler)
default: true
description: Gives access to the /partner command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /unpartner command
default: true
description: Gives access to the /war command
default: true
description: Allows the claiming of the throne
default: true
description: Gives access to the /kotr surrender command
default: true
description: Allows access to the admin's panel (/kotr admin)
default: op
description: Gives access to the /kotr reload command
default: op
description: Gives access to the /kotr set throne command
default: op
description: Gives access to the /kotr set chest command
default: op
description: Gives access to the /kotr set ruler command
default: op
description: Gives access to the /kotr set attack command
default: op
description: Gives access to the /kotr set defend command
default: op
description: Allows the exemption to tax globally
default: op
description: Allows the user to open the tax chest
default: op
description: Allows teleporting during the war
default: op

description: Allows access to all default permissions and commands
default: true
kotr.deknight: true
kotr.dethrone: true
kotr.gender: true
kotr.heir: true
kotr.deheir: true
kotr.knight: true
kotr.knights: true
kotr.panel.ruler: true
kotr.realm: true
kotr.realms: true
kotr.ruler: true true
kotr.partner: true
kotr.unpartner: true
kotr.surrender: true
kotr.war: true
description: Allows access to all administrative permissions and commands
default: op
kotr.member: true
kotr.panel.admin: true
kotr.reload: true
kotr.set.chest: true
kotr.set.ruler: true
kotr.set.throne: true
kotr.set.attack: true
kotr.set.defend: true true true
kotr.war-tp: true


Tax Listeners
If enabled in the config.yml and you have these plugins installed, King of The Realm will apply tax to the following plugins and their listed attributes:
MoneyMobs - Money
KillerMoney - Money
MobHunting - Money
Auctions - Money

King of The Realm will register placeholders on the following plugins:
MVdWPlaceholderAPI - List

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