ChatControl Pro

SpigotVIP ChatControl Pro 6.9.0

ChatControl Pro
AntiBot. Set a delay between players logging in again. Block chat until the player has moved.

AntiCAPS. Advanced configuration including white-list, message length, percentage, caps in a row and an option to ignore usernames of players online. Supports Points.

Advanced AntiSpam. Set delay between messages and commands, block similar messages/commands. Also blocks two repetitive messages (hello, t, hello, t). An option to ignore non alphabetical characters and diacritical marks (for non english servers) and a white-list with regular expressions support. Toggle 'disconnect.spam' kicking by permission. Supports Points.

Chat Formatter. Supports ranged mode, chat per world, spy mode for staff, staff-only chat and global bungee chat. Supports Variables.
Static: Use regular Bukkit API to format the chat.
Interactive: Use ChatComponent API to create interactive messages with hover and click events. Advanced configuration. Infinite amount of chat parts. Requires Spigot 1.7.10 or greater.
Grammar: Automatic inserting of dots & capitalizing chat messages. Configurable message length.

Chat Channels. Define your own chatting rooms. Save or log the messages. Json and interactive formatter is supported. Ranged mode, spy mode for staff and support for BungeeCoords.

Messages. Customize join/quit/kick message. Supports custom message per group (see Groups). Includes an option to show message only when player is logged (via AuthMe).

Timed Messages: Advanced message broadcaster with parameters. global and per world messages. Three modes (chronological, random, random with cache). Set both prefix and suffix (can be multi-line).
- includeFrom <worldName> (Will include all messages from the specified world.)
- excludeGlobal (World with this parameter will not receive any global messages.)

Packet Features.
NOTICE: Requires ProtocolLib.

Tab-Complete Manager. Prevent revealing your server configuration by disabling tab-complete. An option to disable only in commands, to allow only if the message contains a white-space or to set minimum message length.

Message Replacer. Catch and control every message, from internal server messages to plugin messages. (see Packet Rules)

Rules (supplies anti-swear, anti-ad, etc...). Create your own rules using regular expressions to deal with certain messages (or parts of them! Standard rules include over 19 operators, including ignoring players or modifying messages. Use handlers to manage multiple rules and prevent repetitive code.
Rules can be used to:
  • Curse/swear word filtering. (By default, over 48 curse words are blocked!)
  • IP/URL advertisements blocking
  • Filtering spam, repetitive characters
  • Blocking unicode / non-english messages
  • Typo/slang correction
  • Command aliases
  • Utility commands/messages
  • Fun message replacements
  • Send commands to BungeeCords
  • ...rules are entirely up to you, and the possibilities are endless!

TIP: Use inbuilt command to easily add new rules! See Commands section.
TIP2: Operators support regex capturing groups, allowing you to reuse parts of the catched message.

Standard Rules. Support chat, commands, signs, books and items edited on anvil.
Packet rules: Catch and modify any plugin or server message. Rewrite or cancel them. Option to rewrite one message differently over multiple worlds, along with more than 6 other operators.

Rules' ChatIgnorer: Let players to choose which messages (caught be a rule) they want/do not want to see. This can be used for example to allow players decide if they will see swear words, and hide them for those who do not wish to see them.

Console Filter. Remove unwanted messages from the console.

Signs. Prevent placing multiple signs with same text. Standard rules apply also for signs.

Sound Notify. Play a sound to player when they receive a private message (/tell, /msg, /r) or in other defined command. An option to alert only players afk (via Essentials) or to alert players only prefixed with specified character (e.g. "@"). Customizable sound, volume and pitch.

TIP: To allocate a player into a group, give them "<group>" permission (replace <group> with the group name).

Create infinite amount of groups where players with specified permission will have different settings, e.g. join/quit/kick messages, chat/command delay, et cetera.

It is impossible to hook into all plugins and fetch their properties, such as which Town the player is in, what Nation etc. That is why I decided to create a new, unique variable system which allows you can create your own variables!

This is a exclusive feature in ChatControl, that allows you to get any variable from any other plugin or even server itself, such as player's ping (without NMS access) or other properties. You can either use JavaScript or ChatControl's Reflections (with syntax similar to Java's) to fetch any variable to your likings (and, possibly, modify it).
There are example files to be found with documentation, so it should be easy to learn from the examples.

Warn & Point System.
An excessive warning point system with actions to be executed when players reach certain amount of points. Includes a reset task which will subtract some points upon certain time (configurable). An option to repeat last action until the reset task gets scheduled and smart warnings to prevent multiple messages to be sent to the player.

Create infinite amount of warning sets specifying points level to trigger and actions to execute. Give points to different warning sets independently from different parts of the plugin.

Writer. Save chat communication to file. An option to also specify which commands will be saved and a whitelist of excluded players.

Miscellaneous Features:
- Set minimum players online to enable checks (chat/commands).
- Control if operators automatically have access and bypasses.
- Measure plugin's operations and print a warning if they take too long.
- Verbosing rules. If a message is caught by a rule, log it in the console.
- User-friendly debug allowing you to understand how plugin sees what you have configured and thus enabling you to fix own errors easily.

Latest reviews

Nice! 6.9.1 Would Be Appreciated :)
new update pls :) thanks
Can you update ? pls ?
you have 6.9.1?
no sorry

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